Tuesday, May 10, 2011

.: Hero of the Day - Alleria the Windrunner

She's one hot Sentinel hero isn't she? Anyway, she's a ranged INT hero with the following skills:
Shackleshot Powershot Windrunner Focus Fire
Useful Tricks and Tips:
Shackleshot the ranged creep (the mage guy) while the enemy is behind it (eg. Ranged) to easily initiate a hero kill from a distance.
Shackleshot can disable two enemies (double shackles) if properly done. Make them chase you to create this scenario. 
Shackleshot is not cancelled if the shackled target becomes invisible. It can also shackle targets behind fog.
Shackleshot still causes a mini-stun (0.75s) even when there's no tree/creep/hero behind the target. Use it to cancel chanelling spells (Epicenter) or prevent enemies from escaping (Town Portal).
Powershot channels for 1 sec to deal FULL dmg. Otherwise, it will deal MUCH less dmg. Do this to instantly finish off fleeing enemies with critically low HPs.
Powershot can destroy trees. Use it to make paths for ganks or escapes or fog scouting (Rosh check).
Powershot damage is reduced for each target hit. So, to deal full dmg on an enemy hero make sure the arrow path is clear from enemy creeps. Perfect for harassing.
Powershot has a very low cooldown (9s). Use it to initiate and end a gank. Spammable as well.
Powershot can hit invisible enemy units (imagine Lanaya or Sandking). Remember to channel.
Powershot has a very long range (1700). Use it to snipe from distant cliffs or farm 2 creep camps at once.
Windrunner cannot evade projectiles released before it's activated. So time it properly.
Windrunner can tank DPS heroes. But be careful of MKB carriers. (cannot evade)
- Bonus MS from Windrunner and Phase boots don't stack. So avoid using them at the same time.
Focus Fire can target buildings. Incidentally, Desolator now affects buildings (6.72)
Focus Fire can target magic immune units. So don't be scared of heroes on BKB steroids.
- Be scared of Blademail and Centaur's Return. They hurt like hell with Focus Fire.
Focus Fire lasts 20s and is NOT a channeling spell. You may move and use skills but don't attack anything else.
- Damages from other active skills during Focus Fire are also reduced (Dagon, Powershot).
Focus Fire's mana cost (400) is the same even with Aghanim's Scepter (reduced cd: 15secs). So don't buy it early game when you don't have enough mana pool to cast it every 15 secs and an orb effect to work with.
- Aghanim's Scepter REDUCES your lifesteal when using Focus Fire (50/40/30%).
- Activating Satanic CANCELS  Focus Fire.

*I'll just update this for other tips I'll remember. 

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